27 Feb 2013

Author 2 Author Welcomes RK!!

Welcome 'Robert Kintigh' to ‘Author 2 Author’ Blog Chat.

Thank you for stopping by, please make yourself at home and we’ll begin.

A little bit about Rob (Quoted from FB Page)....I am a author, speaker, mentor, consultant who has the passion to help people achieve and reaize the power within them. I am the author of 'The Lies We Tell Ourselves' and creator of 'Truth Mastery Success Program'. My mission is to help you dispel your lies and discover the truths you desire.
That is some awesome work you have accomplished there Robert, i'm very honoured to have you here today with us, let me provide a little more details to our readers of where they can find you...
Rob has a trailer.
And you can find Rob on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Amazon.




 24/10/12, Via BalboaPress

ISBN-10 1452558302 
ISBN-13 978-1452558301. 

Book Blurb
No Matter What You Desire In Life, You Can Achieve What You are looking for! This book is your road map to understanding human behavior and eliminating any thought that there is something in the world that is holding you back. There is no bad luck, no demons, no enemy against your success and peace except on person and that is you. Take responsibility for your life and you will take responsibility for all that you desire. "I hope you believe in yourself and that you become aware of the greatness that you posses inside of you. If you will own up to the lies you tell yourself, then you will be well on your way to gaining the success that you desire. Life is really what you make it, but even bigger is what you believe in and think about. You create your reality as you have the power and the ability to create and be great at all times. I wrote this book to inspire others who have been through things just like me. I wanted to inspire ordinary people and encourage them to do extraordinary things. My life needed more meaning and clarity and I had to seek out the answers to my questions. Could I be better than this? Is life just always going to be tough? Am I limited as to what I can accomplish? Am I able to be awesome and exceptional? There were so many questions and I was in a lot of conflict and I felt that if I was going through this that there had to be more out there just like me. After years of working on this book, I now know I was right. I know this book is for more about the world than just about me. We all need to be encouraged and understand the meaning of life and greatness. The Lies We Tell Ourselves is so much more than just a book about one thing other than living an exceptional life. You will laugh with me, you will cry, you will learn and celebrate with me and you will have thoughts with me and we take a look at the truth in life and if you are living any lies. Lies are the realities you are living that.

Let's discover more about you with these few questions I have provided, and a little information via your Author page
"Robert D. Kintigh has not always been an author as he has had several careers prepare him for what has just arrived in the way of his first book The Lies We Tell Ourselves. Robert has had early success starting from high school in business as an entrepreneur and in corporate America. Robert attributes his success to his ability to write and his ability to market but most importantly learn from life and the mistakes he has made. Understanding the power of words and a clean marketing message makes his work as an author very powerful. He started his career writing sales copy for the property management and construction industry."


So Rob, how would you describe your book?

My first book called 'The Lies We Tell Ourselves' is a book about brutal and open honesty. I pride myself in the fact that I open up and allow my readers into some very personal space.
I have 5 other books that are business and marketing related and I would describe them as simple yet powerful information to help build your business as well as some great reminders of what one should be doing to ensure that their business runs the best that it can.
Lastly, My newest project which is very important to me is called Employee Behavior Modification and is a 5 part series that will be made into one book when it is all complete. This book rolls out revolutionary and ground breaking new concepts in the work force. We teach managers to be thought leaders and build a team. We also teach employees to become self-managers and innovators so that they take responsibility for their own destiny and success with the organization ultimately winning as well as the team.

And what Genre is your work mainly? 

Do you tend to stay in the same vein or are you hoping (if not already) to explore new ventures?
I have mainly written business and self-help but plan on expanding to fiction and other areas of writing as I progress in my career.

What inspired you to write your books?
My mother and my grandmother inspired me as well as some of the greats I have read along the way. I also had a few teachers and professors along the way encourage me as well. Ultimately it has been clients, employees and colleagues along the way who demanded and requested more from me in the way of my teachings and knowledge.
I always love this question because it's the most interersting I think out of them all, you learn about a person through a question like this, the people who isnpire us to be who we are today, it's awesome. Thanks Rob for sharing :)

Who was the easiest character to write and why? Hardest and why?
The easiest and hardest have been writing about me and growing up. Easy because I knew me and hardest because I knew me.
Thats a fantastic response, not just because everyone knows how difficult it to to discover yourself as a human being, let alone how to walk in the world. But because Most of my questions are based on the fact that you write fiction when in this case you don't. Thank you so much for adjusting and answering the best you could. Excellent!

Okay so as I was saying; most of my questions are based on the fact that you write fiction, I apologise. So this question is still a little weird to ask you lol So i'll change it up and ask; do you refer too or give reference to characters or base on actual people? Such as; people you may know or have read about, seen on TV or Movies?
All people I know with the exceptions of other authors or books I speak about in my writing.
Thank you, Robert for being such a good sport with all this, I hope to next time have a better questionaire, more personal towards your line of work. :/ x

Okay so without giving anything away in your books, what is/are your favorite part(s) in your book?
Do you have a particular section?
One of my favorites in 'The Lies We Tell Ourselves' book is when I tell about the Tree Sitter breaking the World record. 
 Have to look at that one! Intrigued to read that.

Book Caption

If your book or books had a theme song, what would it be and why?
I Did it My Way by Frank Sinatra! I pride myself for self-discovery and push through!
Frank's awesome, what a performer, what a voice.
 Excellent choice!

Do you listen to music while you write?  
I do not usually listen to music when I write as I love the peacefulness. I do however have television on at times listening to favorite shows like Criminal Minds and NCIS
I'm such a Criminal Minds and NCIS fan myself haha!

What’s up next for you?
I am very excited what I have happening with Employee Behavior Modification and currently am in the middle of the second book in the series. When completed with that I plan on writing a fiction/non-fiction book about my father who was convicted for murder along with a bunch of other bizzare incidents that took place. 
Wow! That sounds really interesting Rob, I mean in the biggest respects for you with that alone, that's a big deal and a big project to tackle, I wish you all the best of luck with that, keep me posted on your progress, would be an interesting read most deffo ;)

Okay, so what inspired you to be a writer? Is there anything in particular that spurred you on?
Talk is cheap and writing lasts forever. I have a huge pet peeve and that is I hate to repeat myself so when it comes to the business writing stuff it makes me feel more accomplished because in word form compared to verbally speaking it seems to have a life of its own. 
And my questions are probably just as annoying lol I apologise! But you're a Champ!

Do you have any favorite books or authors?
My favorite book has to be Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankle. (Powerful)

Are you working on anything else besides this?

I am working on online courses, workbooks and seminars to go with the books.

Here could you give us a few words to people who haven’t yet read your book(s).
Sell your work ;)

When I write, I try to be impactful and yet lay things out simple and I believe that I have accomplished this in my books. I deliver something I also believe is special and that is the personal way that I write not afraid to show myself as a real person with real issues and resolve. My books will change your life and will show you a path that maybe you had never thought about or realized. I don’t just speak at you but instead I give you real living, breathing examples that help you to understand better. I think I have some of the best books on the market today in my genre.

I'm really happy how this turned out, thank you so much Rob and seriously hun please drop by again and we can talk more about your work and any more books you've released by then. I wish you always the best of luck in life and well as career, you are truely an inspiring accomplished guy and i'm glad to have met you and from my heart thank you for doing this with me today.

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