13 Feb 2015

Another Life Review

Authors Graphics
Another Life
Georgina Hannan
My Review

Georgina is an IT Consult from Surrey, England. She works full time and loves her writing.

Quoted from Blog 'About Me';
I have always loved reading and writing. I wrote my first story when I was 13, subsequently I lost that story, as there was only one copy of it written on paper at the time and having lent it to a friend to read they lost it and claimed, “My dog ate it!” I wasn’t too happy but have since been in the process of re-writing it from memory. I was able to remember key points and have been adapting the story with lessons I have learnt over the years.
Graphics by ©2013 D Williams.
Started Book: 29-01-15
Finished Book: 09-02-15.
184 pages long 9 stops 2 weekends.
5 Star rating.

Third Person / First Person switch Perspective/ Narration.
Graphics by ©2013 D Williams. All rights reserved.

My Review!
From the opening title, the story already begins in a dark and winding manner, gripping you to feed the thirst for more. It feels almost devilish in some way that you sense the evil at presence, but you also have the mystical wonder.
Lily Anderson or is it Lily Brooke was adopted by her parents only a few weeks old. Lily’s life was lonely and cold, not much affection did she get from her adoptive mother who was not the motherly type, she was an executive advocate at heart, mind and life choice and always remained that stagnant and distant throughout her parenthood, you get the sense that maybe the adoption was not for her.
Lily took too her adoptive father though in the hope of love and closeness she so desperately needed. However, unfortunately her father leaves them both, a long sufferer himself, lack of affection from the mother he could not cope any more. Lilys life continued down the lonely path, bullied and tried at school, bullied and beaten at College, her life was crap.
Lily now just 18 is trapped in a world that did not make sense and did not want her at all, she is very alone and very confused, you can see the spiral her life will go down unless things change. And change is much deserved for this poor young woman. She struggles with commutative apt as she is very socially awkward, she hides in her own little world she feels she created, her journals of secret thoughts and pains, her drawings in her sketch pad and her dreams are all she has to call home. Her parents’ abandonment, not just her adoptive parents, but also the thought of her birth parents very emotionally damage her too. Then to have to go through daily bullying by the bastard that is Tom and his friends, they drive her to suicide because there really is nowhere else she can turn too.
Maybe the guy in her dreams can help. Josh Barnes. He is mysterious and gentle; he is kind and loving to Lily, just what she needs. He also holds a truth behind her adoption and her life before, the dreams they share are not fictions but truth to her real life she knows nothing about.
Lily and Josh have an enigmatic connection he knows her but she doesn't know him. Shes told hes no good for her, no matter the situation at hand her heart knows best.
Alternatively, maybe it will be Leon who will be her saviour - He having all the answers Josh cannot say, will the truth hurt and chase Josh away? Are there motives to why Leon wants Lily? Leon is very demanding and forward about everything. A born leader, matched to her it seems.But with her questions mounting, confusion of the world she doesn't know building:
Who are the Willowers, what is Willow Brook Hollow, who are my parents, why must I choice?
The love Triangle of the now Will Lily pick Josh or Leon?
Can Lily figure out what type of life she once lived?
Who her birth parents are and where they live?
Will she ever be happy?
I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves romance and love stories with a smack down of supernatural infusions. Lily’s story is heart breaking and full of urgent demand and wonder.
Get your copy now! And step into Lily’s shoes get her to the end of her journey and see who saves the day.

Go check out my interview with Georgina, Leon, Josh and Lily!!

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