27 Feb 2013

Author 2 Author Welcomes AA!!!

Welcome 'Author Alexandra Anthony' to ‘Author 2 Author’ Blog Chat.
Thank you for stopping by, please make yourself at home and we’ll begin.


About the Author
Alexandra lives in the Midwest with her husband and daughter. She is currently writing two paranormal, erotic romance series: The Vampire Destiny Series and The Dark Hart Chronicles when she isn’t chasing down things that go bump in the night.
Book Series Trailer:

This is awesome! We used the same website and same sort of design for our videos lol Great minds huh!!


Book 2

Series Blurb;

FATED Book One:
Chasing the secrets of her past...
Josephine Anderson is a 28 year old psychic empath.  Isolated and alone, she'd given up on finding love because of her "gift".  She's haunted by her vivid dreams about a mysterious man that is her destiny...
Her world is turned upside down...
When she meets Stefan Lifsten, she's surprised to discover that he's the man from her dreams. He's tall, blond and drop-dead gorgeous, but he has his own secrets to hide.  He's a millennia old vampire that's been on a quest to find her after his own vision 200 years ago...
Their fates finally collide...
Will their fated love and desire be enough to keep them together as she becomes entrenched in the world of vampires and her past unravels?

*This is a romantic, erotic book.  It contains sexy vampires, graphic language, adult content and situations that aren't for the faint of heart.  Consider yourself warned.*

Her story continues...
Psychic empath Josephine Anderson is surprised to discover that she's a little more than human. She's a vampire hybrid with a powerful vampire father...
Her life will never be the same...
She prepares to live as an immortal with her vampire mate, Stefan Lifsten. As she makes plans to abandon her old life to be at her lover's side, she begins to slowly transform, developing new abilities and desires...
Long buried secrets are revealed...
When she discovers the truth about her heritage, she's drawn into a web of passion, deception, and power struggles that leave many lives hanging in the balance.
*This is an erotic, romantic book. It contains sexy vampires, graphic language,adult content and situations that aren't for the faint of heart. Consider yourself warned.*

After a harrowing attempt on her life…
Vampire hybrid Josephine Anderson and her gorgeous vampire mate, Stefan Lifsten return home to New York City. Unknown to her, they will be forced to face the Council regarding her brush with death and Stefan’s hand in the killing of the vampire that attacked her…
There’s more than meets the eye...
Her continued changes reveal that there is much more to her relationship than she originally thought… going much deeper than simply fate and destiny. Their passion and desire for one another increases, threatening to consume them both…
Time is slowly ticking away…
As their Council date approaches, long-buried evidence is uncovered that further complicates Josephine’s tenuous relationship with her vampire father… and will change vampire hierarchy forever…
*This is an erotic, romantic book. It contains sexy vampires, graphic language, adult content and situations that aren't for the faint of heart. Consider yourself warned.*


Okay this is really awesome!
Now I haven't had the pleasure just yet in reading any of the 'The Vampire Destiny Series', but it's totally on my summer readathon list. Any of you who has been following my Goodreads blog I'm currently in the middle of my February Readathon and will be starting up again May time.  
Okay So, Alexandra... we wanna hear more about your Vampire Destiny Series.
How would you describe your books?  
Paranormal, erotic romance with a bite. 
What Genre is your work mainly? 
Do you tend to stay in the same vein or are you hoping (if not already) to explore new ventures?  
I write in the paranormal romance/erotica category.  I’m comfortable writing in the genre, so I’ll probably always be a romance writer.
What inspired you to write your books? 
I wanted to put my own twist on vampires and paranormal romance books.  I find vampires to be very erotic creatures, so I wanted to make my series more on the erotic side.
Who was the easiest character to write and why? 
Hardest and why? 
The easiest character was Stefan (my hero from The Vampire Destiny Series).  I consider him my muse and I’m able to channel him.  The most difficult character to write for is Josephine’s father.  He’s slimy, nasty piece of work.
Do you listen to music while you write your books? 
Absolutely!  I listen to a lot of Alex Clare, The Killers, Muse and Adele.
What’s up next for you?  
Two things!
I’m currently writing Ascend (Book 4 in The Vampire Destiny Series).  I’m also ready to launch my new series, The Dark Hart Chronicles.  It’s another vampire romance, but with a whole new cast of characters.  Think Hollywood, rock ‘n’ roll and vampires.
What inspired you to be a writer? 
Is there anything in particular that spurred you on? 
I’ve always written, either blogging or writing short stories. I had a serious health scare in 2011 and I decided I wasn’t going to sit back and not do something I wanted to do…so here I am, three books later writing away!
Here could you give us a few words to people who haven’t yet read your books.
Sell your work ;)
If you enjoy vampires, erotic romances and aren’t afraid of sexy scenes, I’d stop by and check out my books. You won’t get any ‘fade to black’ love scenes in The Vampire Destiny Series.
And we totally do ;)


All the places you'll find Alexandra...
Twitter  @AlexAnthony80

Thanks, Alexandra, it is seriously amazing to have done this with you, thank you so much for coming on today. And I hope you come by again, this time with your The Dark Hart Chronicles!!

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