26 Feb 2013

Author 2 Author Welcomes TF!!

Welcoming Author Tracee Ford to Author 2 Author Blog Chat. Whoop Whoop!
Thank you for stopping by hun, please make yourself at home and we’ll begin.

A little bit about Tracee....
Tracee first published workings is 'The Fine Line' published 1/1/13 via  Booklocker.com, Inc.
Follow Tracee on Twitter &Facebook, her Blog & Website.
Watch the Trailer to 'The Fine Line'.

Quoted from Tracee's Facebook Author Page;
I am a member of the Paranormal Romance Guild and write articles for http://www.articlesfactory.com/. My goal is to open up my audience’s imagination allowing readers to escape into fictional worlds filled with romance and the wonders of the paranormal. I would love to hear from you. You can view my website to purchase my new novel, The Fine Line. You can find me at traceeford.com or email me
Quoted from Blog "About Tracee Ford";
Ohio country girl turned author, Tracee Ford writes paranormal romance, romantic suspense, and crime novels. When she isn’t writing, reading, or completing her supervisory duties for a local child protection agency, she enjoys watching television with her son, participating in the local Zumba class, and spending time with friends and family.
She loves traveling with her husband and son and finds that she feels most at-home near the ocean. Although she loves the forests in Southern Ohio, she hopes to end up in a warmer part of the United States one day sitting on a beach with a laptop continuing to write fictional stories.


Okay so how would you describe your book?  
'The Fine Line' is a love story; it’s a suspenseful work sprinkled with wonders of the paranormal without the vampires and werewolves. I want the readers feel inspired and hopeful that no matter how dark things are, positivity and love will overcome all of the odds.

What Genre is your work mainly? 
Do you tend to stay in the same vein or are you hoping (if not already) to explore new ventures?   
The book is a cross genre work. The first section of chapters features the love story and then the remaining focuses on the more fantastical world of the paranormal and a relentless haunting. The book is categorized by the publisher as horror, but it is far from that.

What inspired you to write your book?  
My own paranormal events inspired me to write the book. Many of the paranormal experiences that Robin Hillard (the main female character) talks about and lives through are my own.

This Poster is up for grabs!

Who was the easiest character to write and why?  
The easiest character to write was Robin Hillard.  Hardest and why?  Because I drew from my own experiences as a child welfare worker, which is the part she plays in the book, and because our belief systems are identical, she was easy to construct and breathe life into.

Are your characters based on real people? People you may know or TV/Movie stars?  
My characters all come from my imagination.  Although I know who would likely play some of the characters if it were made into a film or TV show, each one was born in my mind.

Without giving anything away, what is/are your favorite scene(s) in your book? 
Wow! This is hard to narrow down. 
I think my favorite scene in the book is when Matt realizes that there is much more going on in the house than he is willing to admit.  He wakes up at three in the morning to hear his six year old daughter, Olivia, talking in her room.  He gets up to check on her and realizes there is no one in the room with her. He asks Olivia who she’s talking to and she begins describing a ghost child that occupies the house. She tells Matt that the ghost child loves watching Matt and Robin dancing in the kitchen. Matt is really freaked out because he knows Olivia would have no way of knowing about the fact that he dances with Robin in the kitchen. After this disturbing conversation, he goes downstairs to sort of catch his breath and as he is standing at the sink looking out the window, he thinks Robin has come up behind him and is embracing him, but when he turns around no one is there. It’s then that he has to start putting some validity to what his wife has been saying all along; that they are not alone in the house. 
If your book had a theme song, what would it be and why?   
Mmm... I am not sure what it would be. There are so many things going on in the book I don’t think I could narrow it down to just one song.
Do you listen to music while you write your book (s)? If so ... what songs?  
I can’t listen to music while I write. It distracts me. I usually have to lock myself away where it’s quiet to write.
That is an interesting statement. I myself for one, love to listen to music and find it inspiring while I write. I know allot of Authors who also feel the same, but it's lovely to find someone on a completely different level, at opposite ends of the spectrum.
Thank you for that, Tracee :)

So what is up next for you, Tracee?  
I am already working on another book and looking for hungry publishers. “Undone” is about a brilliant forensic psychologist who is teamed up with a sexy FBI agent to solve a serial crime.  Lauren Harris and Nicholas Bennette fall in love in the process of solving the mystery and Bennette discovers Harris has an empathetic gift; the ability to connect with dead and tell their stories, which helps solve the crime.
I will be looking out for that :)

What inspired you to be a writer? Is there anything in particular that spurred you on?  
I have always loved storytelling. I have always enjoyed creating people, places, and things ;)  I loved the reactions I got when people read my work or when I told a story. That pretty much did it for me.

What came first; the chicken or the egg? Lol  
If you’re asking if I draft or outline...  I do both.  I hear a song, see a movie, have a dream, and then take that idea and write a book.  I go through an outline and then sometimes pull from that, too.  
That's awesome that you answered that question! You'd be surprised on how many actually asked me what I meant or actually answered the question by telling me the chicken or the egg! I love that reaction and it's an open question, one in which you (as an individual) choose how to answer it. Thank you again.

A little background into your writing: when did you start?  
I started writing when I was 16.  
What was your first piece?  
My first book is unpublished, but it won’t be forever.  It was a romantic suspense novel focusing on a lawyer who gets mixed up with wrong defendant.  Lots of passion, but lots of danger.   
Remind us of your first published piece, tell us about your general history…   
My first novel, “The Fine Line” came out January 7, 2013 through Booklocker.com.  It’s my first published book.

Do you have any favorite books or authors? 
I liked the Twilight books just like everyone else did.  I also like Teri Blackstock, but honestly I don’t have any favorites.

Are you working on anything else besides this? 
 I am still hard at work with “Undone.” Need to finish it up.
Is there anything you'd like to say to the Audience?
Here are some things I think are important to know about my book; The Fine Line. It is far from "Hollywood horror". It's about being open to possibilities and learning to trust in things that seem
Fantastical. It's not a religious book either. It's a look at how positve can beget positive, in spite of heartbreak and challenges. The purpose of this book is to reach out to readers and say to them, "Nothing is too dark to overcome."
      That's a beautiful message you have there Tracee, a powerful one to remember and I for one believe in also. Thank you ;)

Here is the Blurb for The Fine Line;  
The Fine Line is set in Southwestern Ohio, Dr. Matthew Gregory and Robin Hillard meet, fall passionately in love, marry, and settle into their newly restored historical dream home originally constructed in the 1800’s.  However, their dreams of a happy life together are challenged by misfortune surrounding the purchase of the home.  Soon, they realize that they have stepped into another world, filled with spirits, paranormal phenomenon, and unexplainable realities.  The stark realizations as well as other traumas challenge their personal beliefs, the stability of their marriage and, most of all, their sanity.  Matt’s logical, scientific certainties are defied when his daughter, Olivia, realizes she is a psychic medium and is able to communicate with the dead.  Robin recognizes that her dreams are actually visions of the past directly associated with the previous owners of the home. 
The Gregory family soon learns that there is a fine line between the world they live in and the world they can’t see.  They seek direction through organized religion as well as through unconventional methods in an effort to understand the strange world of the paranormal.  Ultimately, the family grows stronger and the relationship between Robin and Matt becomes unbreakable. They finally realize that they can face anything as long as they are together and have faith. 
Go check it out....

Also The launch party taking place that i showed you the poster above and here it is again...
This can be won I'm told, at the promo party so join in and count yourself a chance at a fantastic win. I'll be there, I'll see you there ;D

I wanna thank you again, Tracee, for being a guest on my new Author 2 Author Blog Chat, it's been a pleasure, I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have and we be sure to have you back again on the release of 'Undone' ;)

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