
v All the Post, reviews, promotions, book teasers etc you see on this blog are either of my own design or designs of the Author, PA or Publisher, and/or designer of the work itself. I do state, if anything, in these posts if they are Auto-shares or premade layouts. I would not knowingly take credit for someone else’s work.
 v Copying, sharing & parroting my work on your own personal Blog, website, Facebook, and/or page, and other media site without crediting the original Author or myself is not permitted.
 Like I always say; “If in doubt give us a shout!” Please ask for my permission before use.
 v Sharing my blog, my posts, my pages, my work? – Of course! Go ahead; knock yourself out! But please do so through the click and share buttons provided at the bottom of the posts themselves or else provided elsewhere on the site. Please be sure to credit my work as you do via tags such as #EllieWilliams #ThimElziDellWillz #Author2AuthorBlogChat & #A2ABC.
Misuse of the share button isn’t permitted.
“If in doubt, give us a shout!”
 v If you happen to mentioned me, my blog or my work in passing or any other reason, please let me know by contacting me or by using my Tags #EllieWilliams #ThimElziDellWillz #Author2AuthorBlogChat & #A2ABC. I would like to see and comment myself x
 v Certain Images for Reviews, Promotions, shout outs, reveals etc are not owned by me, but provided by the Author, PA, Publisher and/ or designer of the art themselves. Some images I receive I play with slightly, there is no profit for me in this but making my Blog look pretty! However, the images still belong to their owners not myself. So therefore please do not use unless getting express permission from the Author, PA, Publisher and/or Designer themselves.
v If my use of images upset the Author, PA, Publisher, and/or Designer, I most humbly apologise and will replace them with the original ASAP.
If this appears to be the case, please contact me.
 v This blog has been done by me (Danni). Design, page layout (I mean where everything sits), photos in header, side columns and footer are all mine. Blogger does page design - it’s a basic template.
However, Personal photos: - photos of my work, my designs, my graphics, my life, and my writing & ideas are all mine. I have added external links to all my social media outlets which I hold no bounds to, all social media links have their own rights, my profiles are only what is mine, and even they are borrowed when you think about it ha-ha. 
 ©2013Thîm Elzi-Dell-Willz & ©2013 D Williams. All rights reserved.

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