11 Feb 2014

Valentines Day Competition....

I've started a competition!!
  So I love hearing stories of how people met. And as it is coming up to Valentine’s Day, I want to do a little something to keep the love and romance alive. 
(Comp will end 14thFeb)
; So I want you to tell me how you met your better half? ;

I will pick the best one from your entries (those of you who have already told me on my Facebook post are still entered, if you want to repost your entry on this Blog post as well, feel free, but otherwise, your entry is safe!).
The winner will not only win, but you will also get a copy of my book 'Chasing Fears' (either in Print or eBook up to you), 
AND! Not only that!!

If you are the lucky winner your tale will also feature in one of my latest projects!!
So what ya got to lose? 
Get involved!


  1. I met my partner online through my sister. He was 1 of her best mates, he then became my best friend too & after I split with my ex we met each other & knew we had to be together. Xx ~ Georgie xx

    1. And now you can't get rid of him huh Georgie lol :P xx

    2. Hahaha yeah :P xx

  2. I meet my husband in the most quirky kind of way, but I know it would appear common. We met when I and my best friend went to her boyfriend's house. We lived just outside of Boston. I should explain that our house had 5 girls, theirs had 5 guys, we usually all hung out, and being in college and close to each other we did a lot of stuff together. I had dated a previous roommate, but he was in the navy and got shipped out. Nora's boyfriend Tony mentioned they had a new roommate who was from FL. No was else was home except Tony and the new roommate and Nora wanted some time alone with Tony so me being me, I said to the new roommate "let's take a walk" Nora and Tony were both Italian, and with that line, Greg the new roommate started laughing. He thought I was Italian, and I have a slight Irish accent. When he realized we were looking at him weird, he explained. I grabbed his arm and pulled him out the door laughing after that, say "let me show you some of the town instead of the inside of a trunk". We walked for about 2 miles just laughing and talking. We had to go over a huge metal bridge that cars drive over makes an awful noise. When we hit the crest of the bridge, we both stopped and watched the ocean and the sun setting. Neither of us saying anything just enjoying the sight. After a while we continued on our way. We finally reached Dairy Queen, go some soda, and walked to the end of the bridge and sat on the stone wall. After a few more hours of talking, we realized we really should head back.

    Needless to say, after that we were rarely apart. Greg and I were always together, and even after college ended, it seemed no matter where in the world we traveled, we were never apart for more then 1 or 2 nights. We had 14 almost 15 years together, until a bullet took him physically from me, but not from my heart.

    1. That was so beautiful hun, thank you for sharing that with me. And i'm sorry for your loss x

  3. I met mine online. Only as a friend though. When he sent me his picture I told him he was ugly.
    Anyway a group of us arranged to meet up (they drove down to England to pick me up and take me to Scotland) and his personality just shone through. The next day we were together, 4 days later he proposed and the day after I decided I was staying in Scotland. More like fate stepped in because the car that picked me up broke down. A month later we got our first placed and within a few weeks after getting our first place we were pregnant with our first daughter.
    It did however take me 11 years to drag him up the aisle, but nearly 14 years later we are still together and have two wonderful daughters :)

  4. Ok I met my partner Lewis about 7 years ago, we met on aol chat one night and just started chatting to each other. Then we met up face to face (I took a friend with me the first time just in case) The first meeting was a little awkward but I knew he was the one when I first looked at him. Nothing happened that time except a little peck on the cheek, once we got home we were texting loads about having met up and how we really wanted to do it again. At first I didn't tell my family because I wasn't sure how they would react because I had met him online. But eventually I told them and we got together 4 months after our first meet up. 1 year after we were together he proposed to me and I said yes. Then we were engaged for 8 months before it ended for 1 week and then we got together, but not as an engaged couple. Unfortunately it only last after 4 months after that and we broke up again. He moved away and ended up getting married for 1.5 years, then just under 2 years ago he came back to where I live in Farnham, his wife and him had split up and were getting a divorce. We instantly started talking properly again (we had been chatting intermittently via email up until then), we ended up getting back together again in July 2012, we have spoken about marriage and children and both of us have agreed it's what we want, even when we weren't together lots of things around us would remind us of each other. We plan on getting engaged this year (2014) and married in 2015. I have never been happier and all my family think he is the best suited to me because he can handle my stubbornness and I help him deal/get over his depressive episodes. For me there has been no one that has held a candle to Lewis and I always knew he was 'the one'.

    1. The beautiful case of; "If you love something let it go, n if it comes back it's yours forever". ;)
      Thanks for sharing Penelope, big hugs xx

  5. Hi Ellie I met my partner after being in a violent relationship, my partner was my lifeline. I'd had a really tough 5 years with my ex-partner and this 1 particular night i escaped and went to a friends house where I had called the police from an there I met my present partner now of nearly 19 years married (come the 24th of this month). He became my knight in shining armor he took on my eldest daughter as his own. After a few weeks being separated from my ex whom I hadn't loved for many years I told my friend I had strong feelings for my now partner an she said I'll tell him I was like oh no dont do that but my friend being the way she was went an told him, the next day a sealed condom came flying through her living room door an a voice saying I'll be round tonight think my face went 50 shades of red never mind grey. Since then this 1 night stand has been going on forever an yes we have our differences same as any relationship but we love each other and our children dearly xx
