4 Feb 2014

Author2Author Welcomes Author R.K.Ryals

Image provided by RKR

Welcoming Author R.K Ryals to the second edition to the new years’ Author2Author Blog Chat, 2014!
An all new show as well!
You are officially, not only the second Author to appear on the Author2Author Blog Chat this year, but you’re also, the second to appear on the new show, New Guests ‘the class of 2014’.

Please make yourself at home again R.K, and we’ll begin as soon as you’re ready. 


Tell us who you are…

My name is Regina, although I write under R.K. Ryals. I am 32 years old, born in September 1981, Jackson, Mississippi. I’m a Virgo, though practical and neat I’m definitely not.


I’ve been happily married for six years, and I have three children, all girls. I have two sisters; one of them is my twin. I’m older by a minute, and I claim all sixty seconds.

My family grew up poor, so I spent my childhood playing outside or reading books. My mother was an avid reader, and she took my sister and me to get our first library card when we were five. It opened up a whole new world for me. I was a mischievous little girl but a studious teenager. I developed a love for writing when I was old enough to put pen to paper, and I’ve been writing since. 

How do you your family think of your work?


I mostly keep my professional and private life separate. I’m not sure how my family really views my work. My sisters have read and enjoyed my books, but I also have family members who introduce me as the relative who writes those “weird” stories.


Now that’s an accomplishment in itself


I devote a good portion of my afternoon and early mornings to my work, but nights and late mornings are devoted to family.


Is that okay?


Yeah, no you carry on gurl! Carry on


Doing my job for me!


What’s the next question?


Educational background…



Just asking how far did you get?

I have an Associate’s Degree in Fine Arts. I took mostly English and History courses in college as English was meant to be my major and History my minor. Most of the accolades I’ve received have been for writing essays, including The Waller Writing award for an essay I wrote in college titled, A Cup of Tea. It was about my grandmother and Alzheimer’s.

Whoa really?


Do you have any personal experience and/ or thoughts you would like to share with everyone?

Writing has always been a part of my life. It carried me through some really dark times—through financial struggles as a child, through a fight with an eating disorder in highschool, through the near death of my oldest daughter, and the death of both of my parents. Writing saved me.

That is morbid question Ellie!

Okay if ‘hypothetically’ I had 2 minutes to live, I would say ‘I love you. Never forget to smile. Never forget to live, and never forget to love,” to my children and my husband.


A less morbid question for ya…
Yeah, yeah, I saw it. What came first the chicken or the Egg?


I suppose I would have to say the egg. Not sure I have any true philosophical reason why, other than the chicken who lays future eggs had to come from an egg herself.
Good answer, you should see what Joseph said it was like; wow, wow, wow!!

I love the response to that question that’s why I had to continue asking it, the answers are phenomenal!

You into it?


I do find astrology interesting. I don’t know if I’d say I’m into it, but I research it quite a bit for different stories.

I do. I mean I love the idea and all, and I swear some of it makes sense. And if I was as intelligent as most people I’d probably understand it more and see the patterns most see


Joseph had an awesome insight into it and he gets it, I mean he really does!


And what about Fate & Destiny?
Fate as in ‘how you end up’, and Destiny as in ‘where you end up’.

I believe that our fate and our destiny is what we make it, that as long as you work hard, try hard, love hard, that life will lead you where you are supposed to be.

Good answer.


And do you believe we’ll be able to accomplish ‘Time-Travel’ one day?

It’s always possible and it would be interesting to see. I guess the real question is whether or not we should attempt it. Changing history means changing the future.

How long do you think it’ll be before we obtain it?

That’s a very good question. Who’s to say someone hasn’t already done it


What advice would you give your 18 year old self if you could go back in time; only for the matter of 30 seconds? Be strong, take heart, and love hard.

Okay hun so I’m going to give you a series of things now and you just tell me which are your favourites, okay?



Favourite; Music

Just about everything. Seriously. I listen to different kinds of music for different books.

Me too



Imagine Dragons, Paramore, Breaking Benjamin, OneRepublic, Shinedown, Evanescence (Just to name a few)


Star Wars, Pride and Prejudice


Reign, Sleepy Hollow

I watched Sleepy Hollow. Wasn’t impressed



Torrance Coombs, Sam Worthington, Chris Hemsworth, Katherine Heigl ... honestly, I have no one particular favorite.

No worries. We’re going to move onto your writing again now, and I wanted to ask about your inspirations, what inspired you to be an official writer?

Life, I guess you could say. I think life is often about words, some just feel compelled to write to help ease their minds and their hearts. That inspires me. Life, struggle, and love all inspire me.


Often enough pain is a big inspiration.
So how long have you been writing? You said until you were old enough to hold a pen but do you know when you actually started making sense on that paper?

Pretty much my entire life really, but I can’t remember a time that I haven’t found a way to write or tell stories.

And are there any other relatives who write also


My family was full of storytellers, mainly oral storytellers. My grandmother told the most amazing oral stories. That’s what drew me into writing, the beauty of telling a story that captivates an audience whether it is written or told. My twin sister also has two books out. She and I write completely different types of stories, but we both enjoy the art.

Oh my god really. Now that would be awesome to witness. I have to look up her books as well so I can see the differences.

Do you have any other talents other than writing?

I sketch, and I love to cook.

Would love to see some of your artwork. Hint, Hint!!


I didn’t bring any

Maybe next time then



Next question

Yes, quite right. Umm how much do you love your writing, do you hope to do it for the rest of your life?

I couldn’t stop writing. Not ever. My heart is full of the desire and the need to write.

I know what you mean. I’ve often thought that is not just the need to write, it’s that you have too, as well. The thin line between sanity and insanity is so thin, writing becomes a necessity. You may very well love it to the extent that it becomes your life, but it’s so much more than just a few letters, a few words, and a few books. It’s therapeutic in ways only writers understand, and in ways only readers can relate. It is your illness and your cure

So if you could have written any book in the world, by any author; what would it be?

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater because it is incredibly poetic, emotional, and haunting.

I’ve never reads that one, I shall look it up. Okay so do you write poetry? I think you said something about that didn’t you? Or have I lost the plot


I do write poetry and some songs. I also like writing essays. 

What other things do you like doing? Hobbies?

Writing, reading, drawing, cooking

So writing is your main career then?

I write full time. It is truly a dream come true.

So, hun, where do you see yourself in 5 years, time?

Still writing.


Can you write on demand or under pressure, Regina?


Absolutely. Strangely, I actually write my best stuff when under pressure. It’s why I usually give myself deadlines.

What is your favourite genre to read?

Paranormal romance, literature, fantasy, sci-fi, and historical romance.

What about favourite genre to write?

Paranormal romance, fantasy, and contemporary. All YA/NA

And what are you reading now?

Asylum by Madeleine Roux. It’s the next on my TBR list.


Same type of thing before hun, I give you a list and you tell me what your favourites are, okay?


Favourite; Authors

Jane Austen, Maggie Stiefvater, Julia Quinn, Rae Carson, Shannon Hale, Jessica Day George, Kelley Armstrong, Lisa Kleypas, Edgar Allen Poe ... seriously, the list is miles long.



The Scorpio Races, Pride and Prejudice, Crime and Punishment, Anna Dressed in Blood, ... Again, the list is a mile long.



Asian and Italian foods

Food(s) to cook?

Just about everything. A favorite at my house is peppers (Jalapeno/sweet) deseeded and filled with cream cheese. Place either marinated steak or chicken on that, wrap in bacon, and grill or bake.

Sounds lush. So is there something you’d like to cook but haven’t yet? For any reasons really, just not got round to it or not been called for?

I want to learn how to decorate cakes!


When you eat out, what cuisine would you normally go for most?


So about your work a little bit now…
Tell us what Book are we here today to talk about?


Are you self-published/ published, with that etc?

Still self-published

What was it like for you, to publish your first book I mean? Every Author remembers that moment…

The first book I published was Redemption. It was interesting because I had queried for a while with minor success, but nothing serious. A friend suggested self publishing. It wasn’t as popular as it is today, so I hesitated, but it is honestly one of the best things I could have done.

What inspired you to write your first book?

I broke up an argument by flipping a coin. While the coin was flipping a line from my book Redemption came into my head, one about good and evil existing on the opposite sides of the same coin, and the whole series was built from that. Once the idea was there, I couldn’t not write it.


And how would you describe your books and the nature in which you’ve written them?

I guess I would describe my books as stories about survival, about finding love in trials, and about never giving up. They’re about overcoming odds.

That’s a powerful message hun. And what genre is your work mainly ventured in?

I mainly write YA/NA paranormal romance, fantasy, and contemporary. So far I’ve been pretty content in these genres but would branch out to other things.

And have you struggled?

I think everyone struggles as some point. My first year published I was definitely a struggling writer, but it’s about not giving up, to continue dreaming and working hard.

I’m still struggling


Right then, and is it hard to come up with ideas and plots?

Not really. Usually I just write as ideas come to me.

That straight forward huh?


I’m a music lover, music is my guide.

Do you have problems with coming up with characters? Are they easily born and developed in your world of creativity?

Characters are easy for me. I’m a character driven author. Once my characters begin to take shape, I give them the wheel and let them drive me to whatever destination their story is taking them.

I’m the same in that respect, except I’m more like; as soon as my character has a name, his/her life is born.

So do you ever get random moments when you suddenly get ideas flying at you in all directs? Mines normally when I’m asleep or out where I can’t find a pen to write them down that I end up making dozens of voice memos on my iPhone


 Absolutely. All of the time. I write them down. I have an entire list of story ideas on my computer.

Who was/is the easiest/ hardest, Character to write?

Drastona, strangely enough, was probably the easiest character to write. She is a very confident character and that helps. Haven in my book ‘The Singing River’ is the hardest. It was an incredibly personal write for me, and that definitely played a part in the difficulty.

Ah so are any of your characters based on real people then?

Some of them are based off of people I know.


Do you have a favourite character(s)?

I love all of my characters. They all mean different things to me. They all represent different parts of me.

Without giving anything away from your book too much!
What is/are your favourite scene(s) in the book?

The scene at the end of part 1 in Tempest.
It was also the hardest to write. It is incredibly emotional.


Do you have anyone who beta reads your work before you publish?

I have four beta readers who read my books chapter by chapter. I then edit it myself before sending it to my editor. My editor is Melissa Ringsted of There for you Editing and she is amazing. After that, it goes through more betas and, and I edit one final time before publication.

Have you ever trashed a piece or complete piece of work before someone read it?
Feeling it wasn’t good enough?

Never. My mother once gave me amazing advice. She told me, “What some consider trash, others consider genius.” I live by that.

Sound more positive than most I ask that question too. I have boxes everywhere, I can’t throw nothing away you ask my family


Do you have a ritual before writing?

No particular routine. Just lots of coffee and music. I have a playlist for each book.
(Playlist coming soon!)


Do you have a special place or time to write?

My couch and it’s usually early in the morning or late at night.

Writers often spend their time researching.
Do you visit specific locations on the web or places?

I have either been or traveled to almost every location in my books (except the scribes series and Redemption). I use the web, the library and other sources for research.

Do you ever get Writers-block?

Occasionally. When it happens, I usually lie on the floor, stare at the ceiling, and listen to music that reminds me of the book. That truly helps.

So similar in our methods hun, it truly gives me peace.

I have a quote from Tempest...
Love doesn’t destroy, it builds us up and makes us stronger. In death, it gives us even more reason to love and to love harder.”


How long does it take you to complete a book?

A month to three months.

How much down-time do you have in between projects?

I usually take a week off between projects, mainly for marketing purposes.

And who or what has been your biggest literary influence?

Classic literature of all kinds. Bronte, Austen, Poe, Dostoevsky, Alcott, Lewis ... the list goes on.

We talked earlier about music and your books. You said you have a playlist. But If your books had a soundtrack who would you like to create it for you?


I’m not sure who I would have make my soundtracks. I’d use my playlist for each of my books. Some of them would be great for Motion pictures.

What music and/or artist would you like to have featured on it? List some from your playlist.

Imagine Dragons and Paramore definitely for The Redemption series and Thorne Trilogy, Enya for the Scribes series.

If your books were turned into movie?
What actors/actresses would you have to play your characters?

I never know how to answer this question.


It’s because I just finished the third book in the Scribes series, then I would have to use it as an example. Definitely Chris Hemsworth for Cadeyrn and Torrance Coombs for Lochlen. The rest I’m not too sure on.


So which would you like that movie deal to happen too?

I would love to see either the Scribes series of The Singing River make it to film.

What’s up next for you then hun, you said you’ve just completed the third book of the scribes, is there anything else?

I am working to release five books this year. Deliverance: Acropolis series book 3, Dancing with the Devil : The Thorne Trilogy Book 3, Revelation: The Redemption series book 4, Retaliation Bridge, and City in Ruins: The Scribes series book 4

Jesus woman! Slow down!!!


I swear I thought my head was going to explode p that list. Whoa! Wow!! I can’t believe how much you’re up too. It’s so inspiring.


Thank you!

No thank you! Wow okay, and on to the next question…


Of all the books/ stories you have written, which is your favourite?

I honestly don’t have a favorite. I enjoyed writing all of them for different reasons.

And the last thing I would like you to do if that is okay is; give us a few words, mainly to your readers and potentially new readers, about your work…

I write books. They aren’t simple books. They are journeys. Some of them are hard journeys, some of them are easier. My characters struggle, they learn things, they do magic, and they love. They give of themselves.  Sometimes they’re selfish. Sometimes they make mistakes. Sometimes they fail. Other times they succeed. But read because, in the end, they are characters that matter. They hurt, they love, they fear, and I love them dearly.

And final thought?

Writing is about the passion to tell stories, to create worlds and characters that have to overcome obstacles and live life. It’s an escape. Writing carries me.

Images provided by RKR. Graphics Design by @2014 Danni (Ellie) Williams. All Rights Reserved.

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Plagued by grief, seventeen year-old Drastona Consta-Mayria becomes a leader for her people, the voice of the common folk, the forest, and the dragons. Living now among the royalty of Sadeemia, Drastona and the rebels must navigate something much more complicated than war, politics.

Prince Cadeyrn of Sadeemia is a powerful mage, a second son living under the constant threat of assassination. He’s a man existing in the shadow of tragedy. But there is hope in his magic, hope in the way he fights, and hope in what he can do for his country.

War has been declared between Sadeemia and Medeisia, a war led by rebels and aided by a king. But can the rebels survive the court of Sadeemia? For in the magnificent marble halls lies betrayal.

“People die so others may live.”

We must overcome and prevail ...

King Raemon of Medeisia is slaughtering tattooed scribes and mages, forcing them into hiding. All marked and those associated with them are destroyed. The people are desperate. Months after challenging Raemon, the marked rebels of Medeisia must rise against their bloodthirsty king or chance being annihilated.

Sixteen year-old Drastona Consta-Mayria is the prophesied phoenix of peace, desperate to be a leader for her people despite her reservations. Following the lead of a scarred and forgotten prince, Drastona will embark on a journey with an unlikely band of rebels and a dragon across a cursed desert to bring down a king and save a kingdom.

Books never die, but they can be forbidden.

Medeisia is a country in turmoil ruled by a blood thirsty king who has outlawed the use of magic and anything pertaining to knowledge. Magery and scribery are forbidden. All who practice are marked with a tattoo branded onto their wrists, their futures precarious.

Sixteen year-old Drastona Consta-Mayria lives secluded, spending her spare time in the Archives of her father's manor surrounded by scribes. She wants nothing more than to become one of them, but when the scribes are royally disbanded, she is thrust into a harsh world where the marked must survive or die.

NEW ADULT ROMANCE by Amazon bestselling author R.K. Ryals

In Mississippi, there's a legend about a Singing River, a tragic love story that ended with an entire Indian tribe singing a death chant as they marched stoically into the Pascagoula River to die ...

At eighteen, Haven Ambrose isn't just a high school graduate. In her head, she's an aspiring writer, a traveler, a chef, a slayer of injustice, an astronomer, an archaeologist, and the love child of a famous, rich musician. But reality is harsher. Reality is overdue bills, a crumbling trailer, an absent father, an old addiction, and a hot, crushing summer that may end in disappointment.

For twenty year-old River Brayden, life seems good, but appearances can be deceiving. The oldest son of a wealthy family, he has finished his first year at Harvard to return home for the summer only to discover his younger brother headed down an unforgiving road.

They will be drawn together by a song. For during the late summer, they say the Pascagoula death chant can still be heard near the Singing River. Its call is haunting, its chant a testament of love and sacrifice. It calls to some ... beckoning.

"We have a new assignment for you, Mr. Reinhardt."

These words are not comforting to me. At eighteen, I am a gargoyle who has been demoted because I broke the rules. Now I have a new mission, a new mark to protect. But I don't expect Emma Chase. I don't expect to question my own race. I don't expect to care for my own mark. And I am not prepared for what I find at The Acropolis.

A grimoire. A witch. A Demon.

Ellie Elizabeth Jacobs, often known as Monroe due to her fascination with vintage attire and old movies, is an 18 year-old witch and a darned good one! But there is also something very wrong with her. Demonic energy makes her powers stronger, she has the ability to ward off Demons, and Lucifer wants her.

Sometimes being bad is better. Or at least that's how Luther "Thorne" Craig feels. The hybrid Demon son of the cursed Cain and the Demon Lilith, Luther is reluctantly sent to New Orleans, Louisiana by his brother, the hybrid Demon ruler of the Outer Levels of Hell, to protect Monroe from Lucifer's searching Hellhounds.

But what happens when things go wrong?

In this riveting spin off from R.K. Ryals' Redemption series, Monroe is faced with an old grimoire, an ancient curse, and a journey to discover a family secret that may surprise them all.

A collection of full length fantasy firsts by Amazon bestselling authors R.K. Ryals and Melissa Wright.

Bound by Prophecy
The Acropolis
Mark of the Mage

Bound by Prophecy by Melissa Wright

Twenty-two-year-old Aern is done watching his brother destroy the only thing that matters. He never wanted to take Morgan's place among council, never wanted to rule their hidden world. But when the key to the prophecy is found, a young girl named Brianna whom Morgan will destroy, Aern knows he has to take action.
What he really wants is for things to go back to normal. But now he’s kidnapped a girl, and his brother’s men are after him. His only hope is to join with the Division, but they have plans of their own, and it’s the last thing Aern is willing to do.
Emily just wants her sister back. She doesn't care about the prophecy, or know what’s at stake. But when she goes after Aern, the truth of the matter uncoils, and Brianna isn't the only one who’s in danger.
Suddenly, they’re at the center of a secret war, and unless they can work together, they’ll both have a sacrifice too big to make.

The Acropolis by R.K. Ryals

"We have a new assignment for you, Mr. Reinhardt."

These words are not comforting to me. At eighteen, I am a gargoyle who has been demoted because I broke the rules. Now I have a new mission, a new mark to protect. But I don't expect Emma Chase. I don't expect to question my own race. I don't expect to care for my own mark. And I am not prepared for what I find at The Acropolis.

Frey by Melissa Wright

Unaware she's been bound from using magic, Frey leads a small, miserable life in the village where she's sent after the death of her mother. But a tiny spark starts a fury of changes and she finds hersef running from everything she's ever known.
Hunted by council for practicing dark magic, she is certain she's been wrongfully accused. She flees, and is forced to rely on strangers for protection. But the farther she strays from home, the more her magic and forgotten memories return and she begins to suspect all is not as it seems.

Mark of the Mage by R.K. Ryals

Books never die, but they can be forbidden.

Medeisia is a country in turmoil ruled by a blood thirsty king who has outlawed the use of magic and anything pertaining to knowledge. Magery and scribery are forbidden. All who practice are marked with a tattoo branded onto their wrists, their futures precarious.

Sixteen year-old Drastona Consta-Mayria lives secluded, spending her spare time in the Archives of her father's manor surrounded by scribes. She wants nothing more than to become one of them, but when the scribes are royally disbanded, she is thrust into a harsh world where the marked must survive or die.

We must overcome and prevail ... King Raemon of Medeisia is slaughtering tattooed scribes and mages, forcing them into hiding. All marked and those associated with them are destroyed. The people are desperate. Months after challenging Raemon, the marked rebels of Medeisia must rise against their bloodthirsty king or chance being annihilated. Sixteen year-old Drastona Consta-Mayria is the prophesied phoenix of peace, desperate to be a leader for her people despite her reservations. Following the lead of a scarred and forgotten prince, Drastona will embark on a journey with an unlikely band of rebels and a dragon across a cursed desert to bring down a king and save a kingdom.

This edition includes all three books from the bestselling Redemption Series: Redemption, Ransom, and Retribution.

"You don't choose a path in life because it's better for you. You choose it because you want something from it."

Rebellious Dayton Blainey has always wanted something more out of life. Becoming a nun isn't part of the plan. When she is thrust into a dark world by her delusional aunt, the Abbess of Blackstone Abbey, Dayton finds herself part of a bizarre scheme that could destroy not only herself, but the world.

Bound now to a dangerous stranger, what Dayton really wants is her life back. But an insane Demon has other plans. Haunted by a forbidden attraction to a man she should not want, Dayton embarks on a wild journey that will redefine the epic battle between good and evil.

"There are countless wise quotes that wax poetic about choosing a path in life, poetry about the road less traveled, but there is nothing that says either path is easy. Each path requires sacrifice, each path is full of scars." ~Emma Chase

My name is Conor Reinhardt. I am a gargoyle Guardian in exile for killing my own. My mark is safe, the group of hybrids we've led from the Acropolis, secure. There's a new hybrid king in the Outer Levels of Hell, and he needs the Acropolis refugees. I expect the journey ahead. I even expect the danger. I don't expect the shadows that haunt me, those beckoning spirits of guilt that never let me sleep. Guilt from killing my own. I don't expect the things the hybrids learn about themselves. I don't expect many of the challenges in our path. I'm not sure I even expect us to survive The Labyrinth.


Well, thank you so much once again for coming on my Author2Author BC, and congrats on being Author number 2 of my Class of 2014.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. I would love to catch up with you again sometime down the year and see if you’ve accomplished your goal with all your releases in the pipeline. I will be following you anyway out of pure interest and because we’re friends ;)
I wish you all the luck in the world
All the best

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