15 Feb 2014

And the Winners are...


Yes you heard me right, WINNERS!
I couldn’t pick just one, it was hard as hell. So I had to have two because both their stories were beautiful and heart pealing. Whereas all entries were all equally amazing, I found these two were the heightening of what it is I’m trying to accomplish in my project and their stories would fit perfectly within it. 
Congratulate yourselves as well guys because you all have something really beautiful there.

So the winners are;
Michael Ennis & Sassy Frass!

Congratulations guys and thank you so much for entering in the competition. If you could give me a message (FB Inbox) me when you get five we can arrange your prizes and their delivery to you both.

Stay tuned guys, more competitions coming  soon.
You didn’t think it was over did you bwahahahaha :P

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