24 Mar 2013

The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award 

Image provided by Barbara Bloom.

I’ve been nominated by author Barbara Bloom Barbara reads to groups of children at local libraries when she has the free time, and also has considered to read aloud at birthday parties for young children. She is currently the author of three children's books, Your Shoes My Shoes: We All Love Shoes! Here Comes Pixie Pie: Her Special Day At The Rodeo Fair (Volume 1), and last but not least, Run Hide The Monster Is Outside: A Tale With A Twist. Barbara is currently working on new titles or visit Barbara’s her blog or her amazon

The purpose of the Liebster Blog Award is to recognize blogs with fewer than 200 followers that deserve a look. My job is to:
(a) List 11 random facts about me;
(b) Answer 11 questions Karina has sent me;
(c) Set 11 questions to ask other authors;
(d) Tag other authors who should bask in the Liebster glow.

To my nominated writer friends – it means doing the same as I am doing here, i.e. post a blog linking back to mine, share 11 random facts about you, then nominate 11 bloggers to do the same. If you want to do this, but the thought of finding 11 other bloggers to tag puts you off, just write 11 random facts about yourself and remember to link back to my blog.
11 Random Facts About Me
1. I actually wanted to be an actress
2. I host an Author 2 Author Blog Chat with 3 other Authors.
3. I created my book covers and drew them
4. I have a weird form of OCD lol
5. I chew gum all day long
6. I laugh at everything
7. I only gather around 10 hours asleep a week
8. Was probably the only girl in my school who didn’t cry when Take That called it a quits; the first time!
9. Started writing my book series 20 years ago  
10. I am a mother and carer of my 8 year old son who has CP
11. I am a real sap and believe in true love but find it hard to deal when people love me because I’m unable to accept it lol

Here are the 10 questions Barbara asked me:

1. What is your biggest dream as an author?
I wish to complete my A Broken Paradise Series and it be made into TV or Movie. I want to have lots of projects with my name on them and when I retire I wish to follow in my greatest inspiration/ heroes foot-steps; William Shakespeare and become a play write.
2. How do you feel when you’ve come to the final page of a first draft?
Overly anxious. I’m never satisfied with my work unless I’ve had an approval so my sister Emma reads it and edits it where she feels it needs to be. Then we chat about it and she gives me her views and I read over it with these inputs/ corrections/ ideas and 9 out of 10 times they stick and its finally complete. It’s an awesome feeling.
3. How do you go about naming your characters?
I’ll let you know when I begin something new because my characters for my A Broken Paradise Series seem to have been there like as if they were real to me, as real as you or I, like I didn’t need to come up with them because while I wrote their names were coming from me as natural as you speak to your friends or family, it was like fate though, they had purpose and relevance before they had a story.

4. Have you ever changed the name of a character?
Yes, book two I had allot of people called Tom so I had to change 2 of them lol
5. Do you write to the end and then edit, or edit as you go?
Depends if I’ve seen errors before but sometimes if I’ve gone away for a while I have to re-read a couple of pages before just to remember what and where I am lol so I think I go back and forth all the time and then read from the beginning again

6. Has a reader ever said something about your book or blog that made your day? If so, what was it?
Yes, Author Emily Guido read and reviewed my book and she loved it. The things she said made me so happy because it was exactly what I was intending to accomplish when people read my book and she didn’t just write a few lines in my review she really showed how much she liked it and with style as well, she didn’t give nothing away and I thank her deeply for her love and support.

7. What is your favorite time of day to write?
I don’t have one, when it flows it flows I just better hope I’m near a pen and paper or computer lol

8. What motivated/inspired you to become a writer?
Writing has always been a big part of me I think from an early as, as easy as 4 or 5, but my love came when I read my first book which was Macbeth by Williams Shakespeare.

9. Would you continue writing if nobody ever read anything you wrote?
Yeah, I’d have too! I need to get them out of my head somehow lol

10. What’s the happiest writer’s moment you’ve ever had?
My first book review, gave me 5 stars, a great start to my toes through the door of being an author

I’m tagging the following writers to continue the next chain of the Liebster Blog Award.








1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU ELLIE!!! I appreciate it because YOU ROCK! Lots of love, Emily
